The four fraternities at Baker have been operating for more than a century: Kappa Sigma - Beta Tau chapter, February 2, 1903; Delta Tau Delta - Gamma Theta chapter, November 24, 1903; Zeta Chi - Baldwin City, May 23, 1905; Sigma Phi Epsilon - Kansas Alpha chapter, April 2, 1910. According to Best College Reviews, our Greek system is number 3 on the list of The 50 Best Colleges for Greek Life: “Baker University was the first university in Kansas, thus establishing it as a place where traditions run deep. One important tradition at Baker is found in fraternity and sorority life on campus, where 42 percent of the student body are members of one of the eight Greek chapters found on campus. . . . The positive impact that Greek chapters have on-campus run deep, with fraternity and sorority members serving the campus and the community through various philanthropic efforts, as well as excelling academically while supporting one another through the college experience. . . . Baker University is one of the safest schools on the list.”